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Cybersecurity Terms & Definitions

The Cybersecurity Definitions and terms that help you uncover IT Security knowledge.

Cryptocurrency Definition and Explanation

What is Cryptocurrency and How Does it Work?

In 2021, the cryptocurrency market grew from less than $200 billion to nearly $3 trillion, attracting new crypto investors. However, it all collapsed in the first half of 2022. While the cryptocurrency market is still worth about $900 billion, the risks to investors have multiplied over the past few months. That’s why investors need to do their due diligence and… Read More »What is Cryptocurrency and How Does it Work?

What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?​

When you log into your online accounts, there is a process called “authentication”. This is how you prove to the service that you are the person you’ve introduced as. Traditionally, people did this with a username and password. Unfortunately, this is not a very reliable way to do it today. Usernames are often easy to discover; sometimes, it’s your email… Read More »What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?​


What Is a Backdoor?

A backdoor is a mean, malware or technology, which allows unauthorized users to bypass regular security measures and gain high-level user access (root access) to a computer system, network, or software application. Unlike other types of malware, backdoor elements reach the core of the target application. They often manage the target resource as a driver. The damage possibilities are limitless… Read More »What Is a Backdoor?

VPN, Proxy, Tor

VPN vs Proxy vs Tor: Main Differences

You can use different proxy servers, VPNs, and Tor. This is useful when you need to change the IP address to access prohibited content in your region, or to hide your real location. Lets compare proxy vs VPN vs Tor, and figure out what is best to use for security purposes. What Is a Proxy Server? The user’s computer is… Read More »VPN vs Proxy vs Tor: Main Differences

ip stresser

DDoS Booter & IP Stresser

Companies do not only use security tools in their cybersecurity toolkit. Instead, they use tools that mimic attacks, such as IP stresser. These tools create an environment and circumstances similar to a real attack, making it easier for cybersecurity specialists to practice defending against attacks. Another tool that is the evil counterpart of IP stressers is called DDoS-booters. How do… Read More »DDoS Booter & IP Stresser

DNS hijacking

What is DNS Hijacking? How to Stop It

Hardly anyone today can imagine life without the Internet. Unfortunately, as many more people use the Internet today than ever, Internet threats and vulnerabilities continue to grow along with this growing user base. That’s why it’s essential to know and take the necessary steps to protect your Internet traffic and data. In this article, we’ll look at DNS hijacking piece… Read More »What is DNS Hijacking? How to Stop It


What is Doxing? Doxing Explanation

The word “doxing” (sometimes spelled “doxxing”) comes from the term “dropping dox” or “documents. Doxing is a type of cyberbullying that uses confidential or secret information, statements, or records to harass, expose, financially harm or otherwise exploit targeted individuals. The meaning of doxxing is that specific information about someone is taken. Then it is spread over the Internet or some… Read More »What is Doxing? Doxing Explanation

sniffer packets

Sniffer Packets – What is it?

Sniffer is a program or device that intercepts and analyzes network traffic. This process is also called traffic analysis. What Is a Packet Sniffer? If you briefly explain how they work and what the sniffers are, then you need to imagine a hidden camera in the corner of the room that records everything you see. And whoever owns that camera… Read More »Sniffer Packets – What is it?

smurf attack

Smurf Attack: What Is a Smurf Attack?

Smurf attack is a specific type of distributed denial of service attack (DDoS). It supposes flooding a target server with spoofed IP and ICMP packets. As a result, the target server becomes inaccessible. The name comes from DDoS.Smurf malware tool, which was widely used in the 1990s. A small ICMP packet generated by a malicious tool can cause considerable damage… Read More »Smurf Attack: What Is a Smurf Attack?